Thriving kids, vibrant community

One day all of Tulsa’s children living in poverty will have access to the opportunities and resources they need and deserve.


Our Mission & Vision

The Birth through Eight Strategy for Tulsa (BEST) exists to disrupt intergenerational poverty by acting early, when most brain development happens. We envision a Tulsa where all communities are given the same opportunities to thrive, and children are set up for successful life outcomes beginning at birth.

BEST Tulsa

We believe it takes a community-wide effort to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty. This is why we work shoulder to shoulder with parents, caregivers and community members to connect, coordinate and strengthen programs and services so all children can thrive.


Our Priorities

Across the United States and in Tulsa, the circumstances of a child’s birth can predict critical life outcomes. For young children living in poverty, disparities widen over the course of their lifetimes. A child born in South Tulsa will live about 15 years longer than a child born in North Tulsa.

Even before birth, Tulsa’s children face challenges that threaten their cognitive and social-emotional development. As a result, many are at risk of becoming further entrenched in a cycle of intergenerational poverty.

Our priorities are:

Healthy Births

There are increasing challenges with preterm births, low birth weight (after the second trimester) and maternal mortality.

Kindergarten Readiness

1 in 5 children from low-income households demonstrate initial proficiency in math/literacy in Kindergarten compared to 2 in 5 children from affluent households.

3rd Grade Success

Students that are not economically disadvantaged are more likely to score proficient or advanced on 3rd grade reading tests than students who are economically disadvantaged.

Positive Developmental Trajectory by Age 3

Children's brains rapidly develop in the first three years of their lives. These early years are a window of opportunity for parents, caregivers, and communities: positive early experiences have a huge effect on children’s chances for achievement, success and happiness.

Our Commitment

BEST is committed to supporting vulnerable Tulsans who experience challenges through continuous learning, shared leadership, intentional resource allocation and maintaining community to increase successful life outcomes for young children and families.


Our Impact


service engagements

BEST partners have provided 4x as many reach service engagements since 2020.


pregnant women

In Tulsa County, a majority of eligible pregnant women participate in a ConnectFirst program.


families helped

From 2019 to 2024, Trained THD Family Advocates have helped expectant families with young children navigate and get connected to a full range of services.

“I always want to work with and alongside parents, helping them raise their kids to have better outcomes…

because children are where you can have the most impact.” 

– Whitney Downie, Family & Children’s Services

Join us in helping Tulsa thrive